Dr. Anderson’s Platform and Issues

Dr. Anderson has a been a leader in our community for over a decade, and she knows what the community needs in order to thrive. As your Chairwoman, she will make it her #1 priority to make Clayton County the best place to live, work, eat, learn, and play! Below are her top priority issues to achieve those goals!

Economic Development

Clayton County serves as the gateway of Atlanta from the South, but yet we haven’t seen the same level of development that is occurring elsewhere in the state. I have a plan to bring better businesses, restaurants, and jobs to Clayton County on Day 1.

Keep District 1 Clean

No one wants to live in a community that is dirty. We need to change the way Clayton County handles trash pick up and ensure no one in our county is forced to see junk and garbage in their community.

Provide Resources to Seniors

Our seniors are the most valuable assets we have in our community, and after this past year, they deserve more resources. Initiatives such as Meals on Wheels, Senior Recreational Activities, and more should be provided by our county to ensure we are taking care of our elders!

Developing our Workforce

Our community needs to continue investing in our workforce to ensure businesses have a prepared and educated workforce to employ. I have a plan to work with the school system and local businesses to ensure we are training our youth and young adults to meet the needs of businesses in this day and age.

Ensuring Public Safety while Pursuing Justice Reform

I want everyone in our community to feel safe and protected from crime when they live in Clayton County. However, we also need to ensure those who make mistakes or have gotten mixed up in the wrong crowd are given the opportunities and resources necessary to break out of their ways and become great members of our community. I believe through experienced leadership and cooperation with law enforcement, we can truly make Clayton County a safe place, but also ensure we are helping people break out of bad habits.

Creating Better Public Transit

People should not be restrained in their ability to get around our community by ineffective public transit, especially if they do not have a car. I am committed to exploring more options to expand Clayton County’s public transit program and help everyone in our community, from kids needing to get to football practice at our local recreational fields to seniors who want to go out to dinner with their friends, get where they need to go in a safe and efficient manner.

Providing Better Healthcare to our Community

Healthcare is a significant issue across our country, and it is just as prevalent in Clayton County. I am committed to expanding opportunities for affordable healthcare in our community so cost is not a barrier to health.

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